Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Here I Come!!

I kicked off 2010 with Matt and my family at the lake. My brother came to town with his 12 beautiful kids, OK he only has 4, but I like to exaggerate a bit. We had a huge bonfire and tons of fireworks. It did get a little out of control when my cousins and brothers started shooting bottle rockets at me! I usually have the worst aim in the world, but apparently 12 beers and champagne gives me excellent aim, which ended badly for my brother! January 1st was also Audric Birthday! Yes, we discovered that he is younger than me and that my cousin Tammy is a cougar! All in all, it was a total blast, as usual! I couldn't ask for a more bad ass family! Here are a few pics from the weekend:

My Niece and Nephews lighting bugs on fire

Playing on the beach

My cute brother....before he shot fireworks at me!

Ashton & Diesel...he was scared of the fireworks

I have never been one to make New Years resolutions. I just really don't get them. I know that its a time to look at the past year and set goals to what we want to achieve or change for the upcoming year, but why is it made such a big deal on this particular day? I mean, why don't we make the changes as we go? Then, I read this quote that made me think, "Take a chance because you never know how perfect something could turn out to be." For me, 2010 is all about taking chances. I'm going to stand up for that raise or new job opportunity that I truly deserve, take that camping trip in the freezing weather because that's what Matt wants to do, learn to surf, jump off a dangerously high cliff in Hawaii... those are just a few to start. We only have one life, and its too short to live in carefully. So, watch out 2010! Here I come!

1 comment:

  1. Damn! Looks like ya'll had a good time! Sorry I missed it!
